Thursday, January 6, 2011

White Stuff

It was snowing when we left this morning and it didn't stop all the way to Kamloops, while we shopped and all the way home. We finally have several inches of snow at the house but it's a bit wet. In case it melts I took all the dogs out for a good run and roll in the snow before unloading the truck. They LOVE to play in the snow and I LOVE to watch them enjoy it. I hope there's enough snow in the morning for a pic. It's SO beautiful!


  1. You're having fun in the snow - I'm having fun in the heat! 34C here and sunny, blue skies! Wouldn't mind swapping with you - for a day!

  2. That's so funny! While I was clearing the deck just now, I thought of you and wondered how hot it was there! Normally I would love to switch but we haven't had this kind of snow for years and I am enjoying it! Would love you to join me!
