Friday, January 14, 2011

Computer Blues

The Half-Chinese Sweat Shop was operational again today after a few days off, waiting for the weather to clear to pick up software from town.
Windows 7

We need to take the iMac to the shop in the city (more than two hours drive each way in ideal conditions) but the weather has been terrible. It has snowed nearly non-stop for several days with high winds and cold temperatures. Oh, and the entire province is on avalanche alert. It's going to be weeks before it gets up and running again and as time passes my hope of recovering anything fades.

The laptop has been wiped clean, its original XP has been reinstalled, but it did not go smoothly and more work is required. Today I had to empty a storage area under the eaves in my studio to access cables. So much for tidying my studio, I just keep tearing it apart!

Excluding the bedrooms and bathrooms, our house is pretty much one big open space. Installing any cables would be so much easier if we didn't care that they showed. I was on my belly drilling new holes through which to run more cable. Oh yeah, that was fun! Tight spaces + awkward angles + a too small drill bit because of the tight space and awkward angle + sawdust everywhere = blue air.

Computer Infirmary a.k.a. Dining Room Table

The desktop has been updated with Windows 7 which is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. I'm using it now to post this entry. We hooked up the external hard drive that I used to back up my iMac and it doesn't look good. We are puzzled but not defeated.

Everything takes longer these days. Each and every time I take the dogs out, feed the dogs and cats, or clear snow I have to put on and take off my parka, gloves and Sorels. It feels a bit like putting on a space suit.

And for some reason I thought I might be relaxing a bit in January!